At CVUMC, we care about our community. Our church hosts a number of AA and Al-Anon groups and will begin to do so again very soon. We offer our sacred space and our prayers for your journey. When this meetings begin again, feel free to stop into any open meeting. Your presence will be warmly welcomed!
Monday: 6:30pm Together We Can Make It (Men) - Fellowship Hall
Monday: 7:30pm Soul Sisters (Women) - Narthex
Tuesday: 6:30pm Fellowship Hall
4th Wednesday of Every Month: 6:30pm Foothills Hospitals & Institutions Committee Fellowship Hall
Saturday: 9:00am Simply the Steps Room 25
Saturday: 9:00am Parents Finding Hope For Today Al-Anon Fellowship Hall (1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sat.) and Sanctuary (2nd Sat.)
Saturday: 10:00am Room 25
Saturday: 4:00pm 12-Step Room 25
Do you know of or host an AA or Al-Anon group that would like to rent a space at CVUMC for meetings? Contact Molly Burke at (818) 588-1256 or mollymarieeb@gmail.com.